A Clone Commander and specialists to bolster the ranks.
Jedi heroes (Privateer Press and Hasslefree Miniatures) with a gun drone from the Sedition Wars range.
Here are the results (so far!): The Grand Army of the Republic. I’ve been quietly acquiring elements of the army over the last few years and the release of Star Wars Legion has inspired me to put paint to brush and get the army done. This project owes a debt to Agis Neugebauer, whose idea to use Dreamforge Eisenkern Stormtrooper bodies with plastic WotC Clone heads showed me that the idea was achievable and I’ve mixed in some Imperial Assault minis as well as some elements from Sedition Wars’ Vanguard range. Ever since seeing Attack of the Clones, I’ve wanted to field an army of Clones on the tabletop and I’m pleased to say I’ve finally realised this dream some 16 years later. Now, say what you will about the prequels, but I’ve always had a liking for the Grand Army of the Republic and the Clone Wars animated series was a lot of fun. Just the name is enough to evoke nostalgia in even the most jaded gamer and with Star Wars Legion now released, the gaming world is going crazy over all things Original Trilogy.