If by any reason the last serial for Windows 8.1 didn´t work, you also could try another options to install Windows 8.1.
Windows 8.1 Serial keys recommended for installations Its a possibility you don´t need to try another key because this use to work at the first attemp. You can use it run Windows 8.1 an take advantage of all its features. Windows 8.1 Pro N 2TXRD-CCNWC-CT2X8-KGDXP-PGXGF. Windows 8.1 Pro B478Q-FNMXX-FKYT6-D6FC8-HMGTD.
In this article you can find some keys to Windows 8.1 but this is the best. Windows 8.1 Default Product Keys to be used without OEM Activation 3.0 Version Default product key. This product key to install work to let to know to Microsoft that your copy has never been used before and your Windows 8.1 version is one of the genuine copies under their develop. XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX Why is useful a Product key This Windows key has 25 characters in its structure, it looks something like this: To install Windows 8.1 we need a valid Windows 8.1 key to be sure the installation can be complete correctly.